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Mention of the Month: Jun 2017

Natasha Muskett managed a 2nd place in her fist ever tournament at Cleve and scored a 6-Gold End in the process.

Well done Natasha - the Cadbury’s Curly Wurlys are on YOU!

Fast and Loose Archery club has been running in Gloucester since 1988. We are a friendly club (amiable heckling can be a regular occurrence at our meetings) that caters for all abilities. Members come from all walks of life and very diverse backgrounds and age groups.

Our members shoot both types of modern bows along with the more traditional Longbow and Flat bow, with abilities ranging from beginner (occasionally hit the target at longer distances)  to County standard (somehow hit the gold more often than not).

We’re based at the Gloucester Academy and use the playing fields on Wednesday and Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons.

Whether you want to take part in competitions or just have an extremely enjoyable hobby, archery is definitely the sport for you.

Fast & Loose - A family oriented club

Mention of the Month: Jul 2017

Tracy Howarth is treating to the cream cakes this month after attaining 1st Class Bowman at the first attempt. Tracy, a fine cake-maker herself, says she will spend the next few weeks taunting husband Andy, who has yet to match his better half’s achievement.

Mention of the Month: April 2018

Huge congratulations to Jonathon, who is the new holder of the prestigious Indoor Challenge Trophy 2018. Jon beat off serious competition from other members to win the trophy, and there will be a Marmalade Sandwich reception held later in the month to commemorate the event, hosted by our very own Man-in-a-Hat! (Click image for larger pic)
